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ROI Analysis
Please take a few minutes to answer some questions regarding your company
Regarding your installation crews
    1. How many techs do you have per installation crew    
    2. How many crews does your company have    
    3. What is the average rate you pay per hour for your technicians     $
    4. What is your labor burden rate per hour     $
    5. How many hours do they work per year    
    6. What percentage of time are your crews running cable     %
Regarding Your Revenue Factors
    7. What is your billing rate for a technician     $
    8. Average hours per week you are billing per tech    
Regarding the cable you install
    9. About how many feet of cable can a crew install per year    
    10. What is the average cost you pay for cable per foot     $
Regarding Your Capital Investment
    11. What is your anticipated investment in the Beast Cabling System     $
Regarding Your Installation Crews
    12. Based on your experience, how would you rate the material handling of your installation crew compared to industry norms    
    13. Based on your experience, how would you rate the efficiency of your installation crew compared to industry norms    
    14. Based on your experience, how would you rate the quality of your installation crew compared to industry norms