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Evolving methods for tomorrow’s technology
“On one hand, we’re dealing with higher speed cable that requires more care in the installation process, on the other hand, we can’t sacrifice the quality and efficiency of our work.”

Cabling Installation and Management – July 2006

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CIS Benefits to Installation Contractors

New cable products, increasing material and labor costs, growing customer expectations, and the changing workforce are calling for contractors to re-evaluate their core task of installing cable. Cabling Installation Systems bring systemization and control to the installation process for higher profitability and success on every project. The use of a Cabling Installation System provides installation contractors with the following benefits:

• Installation standards met or exceeded
• Speed for staying ahead of schedule
• Reduced cable waste for profitability
• Projects completed under budget
• Improved accuracy and better installed performance
• Consistent best practices maintained

Any one of these benefits makes it worthwhile to deploy a Beast Cabling Systems CIS. Combined the advantage is unquestionable.
To learn more about CIS, call us today at 800.633.3114. We’re available to answer all your questions, demonstrate the benefits of CIS, and train your crews in the use of CIS to help you get started toward achieving these significant results.